Wednesday, January 21, 2009

"Sloth" Progress and Another Knife Painting

I don't have a very good progress picture of "Sloth" to share. I bought a new little point-and-shoot camera so that I wouldn't have to lug my big-old Nikon around with me every day, but that's meant in low-light that it's hard to get a clear accurate pic. The photo above is with the flash, the one below is without the flash but very grainy and colorless.

Hopefully you can see how I've worked on the shirt, and the arms up to the wrists. Unfortunately, neither of the images really shows what's happening in the forward arm. The arm isn't so blotchy, and the colors have this range of hues including a blue-ish reflected light from the shirt. Perhaps I'll be in with my Nikon soon to get a better pic of this.

And, I did another little 5x5 knife painting. Still not where I want to be, but still learning. I plan to continue to do a couple of these every now and then, and will even attempt a slightly larger one soon.

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