Adult Classes and Workshops
Skin Tones Classroom - Adults/Serious TeensThe class will begin with a slide show presentation and discussion, exploring all the variables that affect skin tones. We will see how the Old Masters portrayed flesh, will view and analyze contemporary works, and see step-by-step in progress images of Lacey's paintings. Then, we will use this information to analyze and mix our own skin tones. Oil color palette choices for flesh tones will be discussed, but feel free to bring your media of choice to work with in class.
• September 6
th, 11 am - 5 pm
• Cost: $120 members / $130 non-members
• Location:Carnegie Arts Center
Portrait Drawing - Adults/Serious TeensIn this 4 week class we will study the art of portrait drawing from lighting and posing the model and what makes a good reference photo, to proportion, creating a pleasing and accurate line drawing, and using value to give your portrait form and solidity. We will work from a combination of life and reference photos that we create ourselves.
• Thursdays September 11
th through October 2
nd 10 am - 12 pm
• Location:
ARTichokes in
Leawood, KS
Sight-Size Drawing - Adults/Serious TeensLearn about a technique used by the Old Masters and in the French Academy in this 2 day workshop. Sight-size allows an artist to learn to see accurately and depict life on a 2D surface without the use of a projector. We will start by copying a
Bargue plate and then move on to drawing a still life in charcoal.
• Friday, September 12
th 5 - 8 pm and Saturday, September 13
th 11 am - 5 pm
• Cost: $170 members / $180 non-members
• Location: Carnegie Arts Center
Portrait Painting from Life - Adults/Serious TeensThis 3 day workshop will cover everything from posing and lighting the model, basic facial proportions, creating an accurate drawing and likeness in monochrome, values, and skin tone palettes. Lacey will both demonstrate on her own canvas and help students individually as they complete each step in the process. Focus will be on oil painting, but water media and pastel artists are welcome.
• Friday, September 26
th 5 - 8 pm
Saturday, September 27
th 11 am - 5 pm
Sunday, September 28
th 10 am - 1 pm
• Cost: $250 members / $260 non-members
• Location: Carnegie Arts Center
Classes for Kids
Beginning Drawing Workshop 3 - Ages 9-12Class is a continuation of the Summer Beginning Drawing Workshop series.
• August 4
th, 5
th, and 7
th from 10 am - 12 pm
• Cost: $85 members/$90 non-members
• Location: Carnegie Arts Center in Leavenworth, KS
Beginning Drawing Class - Ages 9-12Classes will focus sequentially on the perception of edges, spaces, relationships, and values. We will learn about foreshortening, the basic ideas behind perspective, methods for measuring placement and relative size of objects, and some light logic.
• Saturdays August 2
nd through 23rd 12:30 - 2:30 pm
• Location: Carnegie Arts Center in Leavenworth, KS
Lacey is also available to teach private lessons. Contact the artist for more info.
Class and Workshop Locations:
Carnegie Arts Center913-651-0765
601 South 5
th Street, Leavenworth, Kansas
P.O. Box 501, Leavenworth, KS 66048
10557 Mission Road,
Leawood, KS 66206