OK, so I figured that I'd start to give whoever might be reading this some info about me, my work, etc. I'm hoping that down the road I can look back and see how different things were!

My studio right now is my livingroom. My husband and I have chosen to live in a small, affordable house while he attends college and I devote myself to homeschooling our son and creating art. This means, however, that I don't have a seperate studio and I have to be creative when it comes to storing supplies and wet and completed paintings. I use plastic carts that roll away under the desk to hold paints, pencils, pastels, etc and shelves for brushes and palettes in the bedroom. There are nails in various places around the house where I hang wet paintings at the end of the evening, trays under the bed, rolls of canvas in the corner, you get the idea! So, when the painting is out and I'm working, the livingroom looks a little like the above. That painting on the easel (a gift from my parents... thanks Mom!) was in progress, and has since been completed.

And finally, here's a current work in progress. 11x14 on panel. I'll show it again when it's finished!