I've been working a lot on the face, above, to try and get what I feel is an overall good balance of value and chroma. It's been difficult, but at this point I feel like I am in the ball-park enough that I can move on for a while and use it as a thermometer to gauge the values/chroma on the rest of the painting. Right now, it looks a little awkward in comparison to the rest of the composition, which has lots of lighter and more saturated passages. Hopefully it will all come together in the end!
After I got the face at the focal point more or less settled, I quickly scrubbed some color into the remaining blank areas of the canvas. I can't wait to get back to this, though I am not quite sure when that will be since I have a hectic schedule for the rest of the week. (Please excuse the value-finder taped to the canvas; I have a lot of trouble figuring out the right values and light balance once I am home!)
I'm not exactly sure what value and chroma are, but they sound important. The progress looks so good! I'm jealous of you getting things done--I've got nothing done in ages.
It is so exciting to see you paint a straight on portrait. How you are breaking down planes and light, and problem solving. Love the narrative.
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