The Salmagundi Club's Annual Non-Member's Painting and Sculpture Exhibition in New York City opened yesterday! My painting, Inward (above) is included. The show runs until July 18th, when there will be a Closing Reception from 6-8 pm. I'm very happy to say that I will be out in NYC and attending!
I'm preparing for the trip by making books of my most recent/best work and will try and promote myself to some galleries out there and see if anything happens. I feel really lucky to have a tour guide while I'm there; kick a** artist and e-cquaintance David Kassan has agreed to take me around. Cross your fingers for me!
I've actually started at the beginning of Dr Who (er, not the 20 years ago beginning...I'm not really sure when these aired, but recently)...I'm up through the 6th episode of season 1. So no, not exactly the latest episode. What channel is it on around here and when?? When I went to make the link on my page I was shocked to see that they replaced Dr Who #9, my Dr Who, with #10. I was saddened by this.
The David Kassan? Hokey smokes!!! that is tha coolest. His stuff kicks Muchos Buttos!!! You win.
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